I wrote tests using Selenium in the NUnit Framework using C # language. I want to link these tests as part of a build in TFS. Therefore, whenever a new assembly is created. These tests could be run as part of the builds and generate reports by email.
Recommend using the new vNext build. VNext formats are based on JSON, and you can include tasks created in msbuild, powershell, and various other scripting languages.
This blog post clearly describes how to integrate NUnit tests in TFS assemblies: Running NUnit tests in TFS 2015 Build vNext
Just summarized as follows:Add Nuget Package for NUnit Test AdapterSpecify the path of the custom test adapter inside the assembly definitionCopying adapters inside the Visual Studio TestWindows folderSpecify the path to a custom test adapter with nunit packages
Just summarized as follows:
Specify the path of the custom test adapter inside the assembly definition
Copying adapters inside the Visual Studio TestWindows folder
Specify the path to a custom test adapter with nunit packages
Some other recommendations for you:
xUnit or NUnit with Visual Studio Online Build
Running unit tests of nUnit and Jasmine.JS in a VFS assembly in TFS / VSO format
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012236/More articles:https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/1012231/add-pip-requirements-to-docker-image-in-runtime&usg=ALkJrhhR6FXHtF3sBo5Os_BgfgPCv_p0bAVery slow completion and code allocation in Qt Creator - autocompleteHow do method references work in RxJava? - javaHow to use onClick with div in React.js - javascripthow to configure future.global.maxSize in R? - rhttps://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/1012237/caret-position-reverts-to-start-of-contenteditable-span-on-re-render-in-react-in-safari-and-firefox&usg=ALkJrhhKN1OQjxI9pyjLXUtfo1iv_Lma5gHow to record https in Node Js without a third-party module? - postHow did I lose inline JavaScript objects and all global variables? - javascriptAdding elements of two arrays to each other - iosIonic 2-call number does not work - ionic2All Articles