Google App Engine with PHP 7 Support

Currently, the PHP runtime for the Google App Engine is available to every developer. However, this is PHP version 5.5.xx. Despite the fact that the Google Cloud team introduced ManagedVM, which allows the developer to flexibly configure and customize the runtime. In any case, there is no evidence of custom PHP in ManageVM. The only way to go now is to the Compute Engine or Container Engine.

I want to talk about the roadmap of the Google Cloud team about the future of PHP in the Google App Engine, where the developer can focus on creating a scalable application in a faster, safer and more advanced syntax such as PHP7.

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2 answers

My PHP7 for Google App Engine is pretty fast. Follow this guide and see git

This is basically a composer.json file in which you specify your PHP version and the app.yaml file

runtime: php env: flex runtime_config: document_root: public 

The Google App Engine creates the Docker container (s) from your project and deploys them in a flexible GAE environment.


You can run PHP 7 in a flexible Google App Engine environment. PHP support is still early (beta), and documentation and samples are still being developed. Alternatively, you can use custom runtimes in a flexible environment and run your own docker file of your choice.



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