How to convert xarray dataset to pandas data in dask data frame

I have a calculation that expects the pandas framework as an input frame. I would like to run this calculation for data stored in a netCDF file that extends up to 51 GB. I am currently opening a file with xarray.open_dataset and using chunks (I understand that this open file is actually a dask array, so it only loads chunks of data into memory at a time). However, I don't seem to be able to take advantage of this lazy loading, since I need to convert the xarray data to the pandas framework in order to perform my calculation, and I understand that at that moment all the data is loaded into memory (which is bad).

So, I think the long story is short, my question is: how can I get from the xarray dataset into a pandas dataframe without any intermediate steps that load all my data into memory? I saw how dask works with pandas.read_csv , and I see that it works with xarray, but I'm not sure how to convert the already open xarray netCDF dataset to the pandas framework in pieces.

Thank you and sorry for the vague question!

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1 answer

That's a good question. This should be doable, but I'm not quite sure what the right approach is.

Ideally, we could simply implement the xarray.Dataset.to_dask_dataframe() method. But there are a few problems: the biggest of them is that dask does not currently support dataframes with MultiIndex .

Alternatively, you may need to create a list of dask.Delayed objects containing pandas.DataFrames for each xarray.Dataset fragment. To do this, it would be nice if xarray had something like a dask.array to_delayed method for converting a data set into an array of pending data sets, which can then be lazily converted into DataFrame objects and performed calculations.

I recommend that you open the problem on the dask or xarray GitHub pages for discussion, especially if you might be interested in contributing the code. EDIT: You can find this question here .



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