SSH tunnel not working in DataGrip

I have an Oracle database that is located on server_c and is only available if you are on server_b. Therefore, to connect to this Oracle database, I must first log into server_b via SSH and enter the following command to connect to it.

sqlplus username/ password@server _c:1571/service 

I would like to connect to the Oracle database in DataGrip, first I entered my username and password in the SSH/SSL tab.

ssh tab

Then I typed general database information.

enter image description here

I thought that everything would be fine, but when I clicked on Test Connection , I received an error message.

Error: Failed to connect to Oracle - @server_c. ORA-00604: error at the recursive SQL level 1 ORA-20001: the server is not in the list of valid application servers ORA-06512: on line 28

This error occurs if I try to connect directly to the database without going to the server-server in advance. In other words, I think DataGrip does not connect to the SSH tunnel before connecting the database.

I am not sure if I am using the SSH/SSL tab in this way correctly. Therefore, if you have ideas why this does not work or any solution, let me know.

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