Has anyone found a workaround to fix Android Cordova keyboard?

I built 2 separate applications using Cordova 6.3.1, and I noticed a strange error with the keyboard. The following testing was tested on only two Samsung Galaxy S6 phones running Android 6.0.1. This only happens on WebApps, not web pages.

In any text or text field, entering a special character will automatically replace the following non-special character typed with the same special character:

1) Enter a special character (e.g. *)

2) Enter any other non-special character (e.g. a)

3) This character is automatically replaced by the previous special character (e.g. * a โ†’ **)

I also noticed that if I find a non-special character followed by a special character, then delete the special character and then enter another non-special character. This last non-specific character is replaced by the first non-specific character.

More severe things happen if you enter a long line of non-specific characters ending with a special character, and then try to delete this a number of times and enter a non-special character. I could not even find the template.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround? Does this happen on other phones and OS?

Thanks for your help!


I tested this on a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini running Android 4.4.2 and it did not show an error.

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1 answer

This bug on Chrome WebView seems to be fixed a few days ago. You can check the cord error report .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1011958/

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