I am trying to use the basic NG2-Charts example ( http://valor-software.com/ng2-charts/ )
I copied the pasted part of the HTML
<div style="display: block"> <canvas baseChart [datasets]="barChartData" [labels]="barChartLabels" [options]="barChartOptions" [legend]="barChartLegend" [chartType]="barChartType" (chartHover)="chartHovered($event)" (chartClick)="chartClicked($event)"></canvas>
and part of TypeScript
public barChartOptions:any = { scaleShowVerticalLines: false, responsive: true }; public barChartLabels:string[] = ['2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010','2011', '2012']; public barChartType:string = 'bar'; public barChartLegend:boolean = true; public barChartData:any[] = [ {data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40], label: 'Series A'}, {data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90], label: 'Series B'} ];
I run npm install ng2-charts --save, npm install chart.js --save
I also import ChartsModule in app.module.ts
import { ChartsModule } from 'ng2-charts/ng2-charts'; @NgModule({ imports: [ChartsModule] })
After importing the ChartsModule, I get an error that ng2-charts \ ng2-charts.js is not exporting the ChartsModule. Click to view error image
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? thanks