Given that I have N parameters of different types (uint, int and float), and each parameter has its own valid range of values ββ(i.e. from 2.5 to 20.0). Considering also that some parameters are obtained from other parameters. For these parameters I use different functions (f1, f2, f3, ...).
In order to be able to calculate the allowable range of values ββ(minimum and maximum) for the derived parameters, I defined two new functions f_min and f_max for each derived parameter. Inside these functions, I call f with the correct combination of the values ββof the min and max parameters to get the limit of my derived parameter.
Make a simple example:
f(a, b) = a / b min = f(a_min, b_max) max = f(a_max, b_min)
How to solve it
First, I save all the minimum and maximum parameter values ββin two containers. Then I define the template function deriveLimit
, which receives as arguments to the template a pointer to the function used to get the limit, and a list of parameter indices on which it depends. The deriveLimit
template deriveLimit
receive two lists of min and max values ββas functional arguments.
template <ParamIndex ...Indexes, typename ParamType, typename ...Args> static ParamData deriveLimitUtil(const ParamData minParams[], const ParamData maxParams[], ParamValue<ParamType> (*function)(ParamValue<Args>...)) { ParamValue<ParamType> result = function(ParamValue<Args>(minParams[Indexes])..., ParamValue<Args>(maxParams[Indexes])...); return result.getData(); } template <typename FuncType, FuncType function, ParamIndex ...Indexes> static ParamData deriveLimit(const ParamData minParams[], const ParamData maxParams[]) { return deriveLimitUtil<Indexes...>(minParams, maxParams, function); }
For example, to get the upper limit of parameter 2, I call deriveLimit
as follows:
deriveLimit<typeof(&DeriveTest::deriveMaxLimit2), &DeriveTest::deriveMaxLimit2, ParamIndex::PARAM_2_INT, ParamIndex::PARAM_3_FLOAT_1>(minParams, maxParams);
Where deriveMaxLimit2 is declared as follows:
ParamValue<int32_t> DeriveTest::deriveMaxLimit2(ParamValue<int32_t> minValue2, ParamValue<float> minValue3, ParamValue<int32_t> maxValue2, ParamValue<float> maxValue3)
When I compile this code, the compiler returns the following error:
error: mismatched argument pack lengths while expanding '(ParamValue<Args>)(maxParams[Indexes])' In instantiation of ParamData deriveLimitUtil(const ParamData*, const ParamData*, ParamValue<ParamType> (*)(ParamValue<Args>...)) [with short unsigned int ...Indexes = {1u, 2u}; ParamType = int; Args = {int, float, int, float}]': required from ParamData deriveLimit(const ParamData*, const ParamData*) [with FuncType = ParamValue<int> (*)(ParamValue<int>, ParamValue<float>, ParamValue<int>, ParamValue<float>); FuncType function = DeriveTest::deriveMaxLimit2; short unsigned int ...Indexes = {1u, 2u}]'
How can I expand only half of the Args parameter package for ParamValue<Args>(minParams[Indexes])...