I am very new to Openshift Origin. Now I'm trying to deploy docker containers in OpenShift. To do this, I created a very simple docker container that adds two numbers and gives the result:
I created a docker image locally and a public docker image in a docker hub:
docker pull abrahamjaison/openshifttest
I run the docker image locally as follows:
[ root@mymachine /]
Since I'm completely new to Openshift, I have no idea how to deploy this in an Openshift environment.
I created a new project: oc new-project openshifttest
Then a new application: oc new-app docker.io/abrahamjaison/openshifttest
But then I do not know how I can access the console / terminal for data entry. Also many times when I run this, I get the output as a “failed deployment” when I issue the command “oc status”.
Basically, I would like to know how I can deploy this docker image in openshift and how I can access the terminal to provide inputs for the addition.
Can anyone help me with this?
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