What is the maximum scrape_interval in Prometheus

I used Prometheus to measure business performance, for example:

# HELP items_waiting_total Total number of items in a queue # TYPE items_waiting_total gauge items_waiting_total 149 

I would like to save this data for a very long time (5 years of storage), and I do not need a high frequency in scrape_interval. So I set scrape_interval: "900s" .

When I check the graph in Prometheus with a resolution of 60 s, it shows that it is clapping, but this is not true.

enter image description here

The question is, what is the maximum (recommended) scrape_interval in Prometheus?

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1 answer

It is not recommended to go above 2 minutes. This means that the default is 5 minutes by default (this is what causes the spaces) and you want to allow scratch loss.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1011675/

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