I have Firebase code in a script tag, but it is not executing. How can I write the variable <% = id%> in it?
Usually, when I click the button, a request to update the upvote value in Firebase should be launched, but nothing happens.
The code is not executing, but I am not getting errors.
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> </script> <div class ="containerMarginsDetails"> <h1 class= "detailsTitle"><%=post.title %></h1> <div class="row"> <img class = "postImg" src="/images/uploads/<%= post.image %>"> <span class="UpvoteButton"> </span><span class="DownvoteButton"> </span> <span class="HP"><%= post.upvotes - post.downvotes%> HP</span> </div> </div> <script> var upvotesRef = firebase.database().ref("posts/fun/<%=id%>/upvotes"); var downvotesRef = firebase.database().ref("posts/fun/<%=id%>/downvotes"); $('.UpvoteButton').click(function () { upvotesRef.transaction(function (upvotes) { if (!upvotes) { upvotes = 0; } upvotes = upvotes - 1; return upvotes; }); }); </script>
Here is the router file.
var express = require("express"); var router = express.Router(); var firebase = require("firebase"); router.get('/details/:id', function(req, res){ global.page_name = "fun"; var id =; var funPostRef = firebase.database().ref("posts/fun/"+id); funPostRef.once('value', function(snapshot){ var funPost = snapshot.val(); res.render('fun/details', {post: funPost, id:id}); }); }); module.exports = router;
NB: Firebase is also initialized in my app.js.
If I try this version of the code, the firebase request is triggered every time I reload the page, and not when I click. How can I make sure that it only works when clicked?
<% var upvotesRef = firebase.database().ref("posts/fun/"+id+"/upvotes"); var downvotesRef = firebase.database().ref("posts/fun/"+id+"/downvotes"); %> $('.UpvoteButton').click(function () { <% upvotesRef.transaction(function (upvotes) { if (!upvotes) { upvotes = 0; } upvotes = upvotes + 1; return upvotes; }); %> });
An error has been detected! What does it mean?
This is very strange since I am authenticated when I click the button, and these are my security rules:
{ "rules": { ".read": "true", ".write": "auth != null" } }
I also get the following error message (no crash):
The synchronous XMLHttpRequest in the main thread is deprecated due to its detrimental effects on the end user. For more help check out .
If I change my rules to:
{ "rules": { ".read": "true", ".write": "true" } }
The button works great!
But why does the code not work with the previous rule, although I am authenticated?