It has been a while. But I found a way to do what I need. 4th parameter is not needed. Basically I am sending a camera and my 2 Meshes portals to my function. Instead of using the matrix multiplication method (doesn't work in ThreeJS, because ThreeJS has some weird stuff), I broke the matrices into pieces. Then manually calculate the new position and rotation and build a new matrix from it. And I installed this new matrix as my worldMatrix cameras. Voila - a working portal. The next step is the squint of the furums, because we want our nearest platform to be a portal, otherwise we may have some objects between the camera and the portal.
And the rendering procedure itself uses a stencil buffer to display portals correctly. If someone needs this, it will help you:
function portal_view(camera, src_portal, dst_portal, kordaja) { src_portal.updateMatrixWorld() dst_portal.updateMatrixWorld() camera.updateMatrixWorld() var camerapos = new THREE.Vector3(); var camerarot = new THREE.Quaternion(); var camerascale = new THREE.Vector3(); camera.matrix.decompose(camerapos,camerarot,camerascale); var srcpos = new THREE.Vector3(); var srcquat = new THREE.Quaternion(); var srcscale = new THREE.Vector3(); src_portal.matrix.decompose(srcpos, srcquat, srcscale); var destquat = new THREE.Quaternion(); var destpos = new THREE.Vector3(); var destscale = new THREE.Vector3(); dst_portal.matrix.decompose(destpos,destquat,destscale); var diff = camerapos.clone().sub(srcpos); var ydiff = src_portal.rotation.y - dst_portal.rotation.y - Math.PI; diff.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0),-ydiff); var newcampos = diff.add(destpos); var yrotvec = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0),-ydiff); console.log(yrotvec) srcquat = srcquat.multiply(destquat.inverse()); camerarot = camerarot.multiply(yrotvec); var inverse_view_to_source = new THREE.Matrix4(); inverse_view_to_source.compose(newcampos,camerarot,camerascale); return inverse_view_to_source; }
Note: I have moved my answer to the answers so that I can mark the answer.
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