Xcode Continuous Integration: Configured Recipient Not Found

I cloned my local repository to my Xcode server and created a bot to run tests for each commit.

But upon integration, it will issue a problem with the build service: the configured destination is no longer supported or cannot be found.

I also could not find errors in the logs.

Oct 19 12:32:08 [1397] <Info>: Will attempt to update checkout cache for bot Oct 19 12:32:08 [1397] <Info>: Xcode Source Control Blueprint was valid. Oct 19 12:32:08 [1397] <Info>: About to update/checkout: https://macbook-pro-local.com/git/SampleTestApp.git Branch: master into SampleTestCalc/ Oct 19 12:32:09 [1397] <Info>: Completed checkout of: https://macbook-pro-local.com/git/SampleTestApp.git Branch: master (@9689116d502e2fd0f647f435f3f01597c5bd8cbd) into SampleTestCalc/ Oct 19 12:32:09 [1397] <Info>: Comparing checked out code with previous blueprint: <XCSBotSCMBlueprint 0x7f9181c25ec0> {"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintLocationsKey":{"D30279AB6EE6981218FC98E321E83EBACF83CAC1":{"DVTSourceControlBranchIdentifierKey":"master","DVTSourceControlLocationRevisionKey":"9689116d502e2fd0f647f435f3f01597c5bd8cbd","DVTSourceControlBranchOptionsKey":4,"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintLocationTypeKey":"DVTSourceControlBranch"}},"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintPrimaryRemoteRepositoryKey":"D30279AB6EE6981218FC98E321E83EBACF83CAC1","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintIdentifierKey":"3FA96EDF-CBD4-4A8A-B42B-F05363620DF4","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintWorkingCopyPathsKey":{"D30279AB6EE6981218FC98E321E83EBACF83CAC1":"SampleTestCalc\/"},"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintNameKey":"SampleTestCalc","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintVersion":204,"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRelativePathToProjectKey":"SampleTestCalc.xcodeproj","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRemoteRepositoriesKey":[{"DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRemoteRepositorySystemKey":"com.apple.dt.Xcode.sourcecontrol.Git","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRemoteRepositoryURLKey":"https:\/\/macbook-pro.com\/git\/SampleTestApp.git","DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRemoteRepositoryIdentifierKey":"D30279AB6EE6981218FC98E321E83EBACF83CAC1"}]} Oct 19 12:32:09 [1397] <Info>: Got 0 log items: 

I followed all the steps mentioned in the Apple Guide and I don’t know what I missed. I am using Xcode8 and Server 5.2. I also did not mention any destination flags in my scheme.

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2 answers

Just experienced this error myself. This was because I chose to launch the bot against all iOS simulators. I just selected one simulator and fixed the problem.

Next, you can go to this common error:

Inside Xcode> "Show Report Navigator" (this is the best right tab in the left navigation window)> Choose a bot that failed to launch> Select the "Logs" tab in the central window> Change the "Show" drop-down menu from the "Version Control Log" to "Source Log assembly "> This should give you more details on what went wrong to help you debug.


I had the same issue on Xcode 9.2. This was allowed by deleting the developer account registered in the settings and re-entering it.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1011476/

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